The funny thing about Christina, is that she really does not have a typical voice for singing competitions. And I feel for her, because I know..more than anything..she wants a voice like Christina Aguilera and Haley. A voice that is thick and full of blues and soul. She doesn't have that. Her voice is thin and screechy and I can't listen to her belt.
What she does have is this beautiful delicate head voice. And I really think she is second to no one in respect to that talent. I was always "meh" on her, but when she sings accompaniment, or simply sings a more subtle song where she can flourish with her head voice, she's exceptional.
There, of course, have been better singers that could have sung one of Haley's songs. (Jessica Sanchez, Jena, Jacquie Lee, or Tessanne Chin for starters..) but given that Christina is a fan and is familiar with Haley's work, I was hoping we'd get a Haley song. And "Free" if she had done it acoustically, would have been the best song of Haley's for her, IMO. She wouldn't have needed to belt and she would have been forced into her head voice.