Haley's Birthday Present Idea
Alright so I feel kinda bad that no one has organized anything for Haley to see on her birthday, which I believe has been done every year since Idol in 2011. Last year ibelieveinhaley on Twitter made an awesome video for her with messages from fans with their favorite memory of Haley. Other years it was picture collages.
Considering Haley just debuted "Love Is Worth Fighting For" showing her truly vulnerable side, and basically admitting to the struggles & how it hasn't been easy, I feel it'd be a bad time for her to maybe get any thought some fans have forgotten about her this year.
So this is what I have in mind that I think would turn out pretty cool, to show Haley the impact she has on us...Since "Love Is Worth Fighting For" is about music, so for Haley, Music is worth fighting for, I thought it would be cool for her to see the inspiration she gives us fans, and what we fight for. If everyone could make a short video or a picture saying "Happy Birthday Haley! & then proceed to say "For me, _______ is worth fighting for." and then end the video there.
(Whatever means a lot to you, whatever it may be in your life or mind that is worth fighting for.)
For example:
FAMILY is worth fighting for.
SUCCESS is worth fighting for.
HALEY is worth fighting for.
HAPPINESS is worth fighting for.
Whatever may mean the most to you. I think it's a cool way to show Haley what us Haliens think is worth fighting for too, and that we all have a struggle at times and need to fight for certain things, on top of being able to wish her a happy birthday at the same time! Plus, this is a way for her to get to know some of us a little better... I think she'd really like it...I don't know. I feel like it's better than nothing!
Let me know if you're down to be in on this! If you are, send your short video or picture to my e-mail: Rachbobach09@hotmail.com
Also, her birthday is coming up fast, so it's something we can't procrastinate on!