^^^^ Aww--Thank you Haleylvr4evr. One of my dogs didn't make the video --she's a lab named Roxie. Also my two rescue cats were hiding somewhere. But, I don't let them outside anyway.
Swansteel--thank u for the kind words. I thought your submission was very thoughtful! I guess I just feel so awkward while doing the vid--that when I see it--it seems awkward to me. I'm not shy in life--but turn on a video camera and I get freaked out a little. I also realized it was almost one long run-on sentence. (I used the word AND instead of starting a new thought) LOL. But, worst of all is my voice. I sound like Fran Drescher on helium.
Tusk--thank you very much for the directions about movie maker. I didn't think I had it on my computer. But, I looked and I do. I am going to try it.
Rachel--Again--you just are terrific!