Quote:Calais Campbell @Campbell93
S/O to @j4ahvidbest @JaredQuay @adamlustick and @haleyreinhart today for making me laugh all day on set at funny or die #goodtimes
Retweeted by Just Me
Good practice for SNL.
Quote:Adam Lustick @adamlustick
Hey @J4hvidbest - great work today. Lemme know when you wanna hit the court for some 7s.
Adam Lustick Adam Lustick @adamlustick
Great time with @Campbell93 at @funnyordie today. Sports + comedy = Spormedy!
Quote:Avin Das @JimmySparkles
Can't forget to add @haleyreinhart and @JaredQuay to my best friends gang. You guys were hilarious.
Avin Das
Writer/Director for Funny or Die, Master Thief Extraordinaire
Los Angeles ·