(09-01-2014, 10:38 AM)XAtlantic Wrote: And of course not every word an artist brings to life is necessarily taken from their own life! Maybe she's laughing at so much seriousness right now!? (Are all the love and breakup songs by Haley "reports"?) Always a possibility.
Though this song does seem pretty direct and raw and honestly heartfelt, as if it really is real ... I like this song so much for that.
Otherwise I am totally with you, Tusk:
(08-31-2014, 08:03 PM)Tusk Wrote: Luckily, I'm a fan of Haley. [...] I'm just excited to see where her instincts lead her ...
I liked this thought XAtlantic.. ..
when you write about something you can both express how you felt at the time and yet also have some perspective about how what you felt might have been slightly off the mark (or exagerated or too much despair etc) if you are writing slightly later reflecting on how you felt.
And even if it was written at the time one felt that way, it can be sung later in a way that is , as you put it "laughing at so much seriousness"... (maybe slightly different word than laughing .but I don't have a better word for it myself... reflecting back with a few grains of salt..maybe
philosophically... being able to look ahead to possible better times when all feels like a wreck around you is really a powerful tool....but of course if a person could really feel that it wouldn't feel so bad.. I think that's what I see in "undone' ... the love that faded away fleeting off into space to be rediscovered as the stars fade away and drift off into space (presumably stars fade away as the next day comes and surely the stars will appear again.
Whether or not we agree on meanings of songs they are poetically intriguing. Haley is really good at it .. or at least speaks to me in many or her songs (some more than other.. we are different people haha)
I've always feel that .. poetry (and I feel lyrics are poetry) often expresses two or three thoughts at the same time not just one or another. Saying two things at the same time lets people examine and compare both
.. after all a sunset can both be a beautiful thing and also an end of the light... just a concrete example of what I'm trying to say that is perhaps a bit touch- feely sounding to many people.