RE: "The Voice" - Season 7 (spoilers?)
Hey Merc. I'm really enjoying the quality of all the remaining contestants.
I have a bit different taste in music than a large segment of the population so my opinion isn't really any attempt to say "I'm right"
I just don't hear much to enjoy in the linked performances you give above and I really enjoyed performances of the contestants that remained instead of her.
So, perhaps it was 'mean" not to let her be heard and perhaps attract some new fans. It was mean if there was no other reason beyond singing quality as certainly she was good enough to be heard (I just have got to think there was some personality dispute between her or her agents and the show producers ... that's the only thing I could imagine... but perhaps it was just mean and unfair.. we can't really know though).
All in all, I agree with almost all the coaches picks each season on the voice. Some are close calls certainly
All in all I share the tastes that the coaches see far more than I share the taste of Michael Slezak (who I often sharply disagree with) or the tsaste than the average person in the blog comment section.
The only time I felt injustice on the show was the way they handled the voting fiasco in season 3 ... because I felt that they didn't really let viewers pick the top 2 when they didn't count the text or computer votes. And that sense of injustice wasn't about who the coaches picked for their own personal teams .. which should be who they as professionals would like to work with(IMO). It was really more about voting systems and public acceptance of voting anomalies in society at large not about singing shows that rubbed me wrong there.