RE: Myafield interviews Haley in academic setting (lengthy)
I just loved this interview. It didn't seem lengthy to me because it was so interesting. It offered some great insights into how Haley is navigating her way through her career and how she's thinking it out and so on. It's such a tough business. She's doing a remarkable job.
It was very revealing about the challenges of social media--the good and bad of the whole thing. I would probably never even touch social media if I were famous these days. Way too much scrutiny. So, I totally get why Haley is a little apprehensive about it. The whole thing has so many weird aspects to it.
IA--I'm so happy she is interested in the whole album than just putting out the singles. Haley is an old soul.
I loved her honesty about life in the idol bubble and how "the team" treats you. She gained a lot of learning experience from it--and it has made her stronger and more educated about the business.
IM did the interview very similar to the Actors Studio show with James Lipton. If you have never seen it--the show was on Bravo prior to the channel turning into the "Housewives of crap" network. Toward the end-- when he did the Bernard Pivot questions--I was hoping Haley would say "F-ck" to the fave curse word. haha. But, I don't think Haley has ever seen the show. Turns out--the women interviewed always gave the more profane curse words as t heir answers. Many of the men would shy away and the women were F this F that--hilarious.
BTW, I love Haley a lot.