It was nice seeing Haley in my town for once! Only had to drive 15 minutes to see her. With an hours notice LOL!
Funny how afterwards I wasn't sure how I'd be able to see her…I went out back to look around, turns out she was looking for me the whole time. I went back and as I was still outside I could see her leaving the front hall area as I was coming back (the doors to get into the building were already locked. I knocked and one of the orchestra guys let me in) Irvin was standing there I was like hi nice to meet you, I'm Rachel, I'm a Haley fan! And he's like.."Oh she was just out here looking for you!" I was like WHAT…lol I didn't even see her tweet to me until after we had already talked.
I did record the performance, but my P.O.S. iPhone doesn't have it showing up…
It's happened to me before, where a video pops up a day later. It was an 8 minute video, so I'm hoping somehow eventually it'll pop up. My phone is crappy and I need a new one. I remember stopping the recording and going to Twitter and my phone froze…so who knows.
If anything I'm just mad I had to hold my arm up for 8 mights straight all for nothing LOL
She did only sing Dazed and Confused…but it was worth it!
Nice chatting with Haley though