I think that has a little to do with it having no real promotion strategy, pretty much only her fans and a few media knew about it. It didn't get to generate any kind of media build up that a label backed project might get....
When I say, "took away', I mean it in the context of how it was initially perceived, ie: How much initial interest it got....I mean as far as the 'public' viewed it. It's hard to get excited about a video when critics come out of the woodwork exclaiming it's failure because of how many YT views it had... It's certainly not a 50K view video....
I think the purpose of going the direction they did with Yahoo was not only that they could give it some good press (and with a well known Idol media person ) I imagine that they might've got $omething for being an 'exclusive' debut for the first Day from potential ad views generated.
It didn't look like they counted on making money from putting it on iTunes since they generated little if no publicity for that either
I think alot of fans thought it was Haley's big introduction back into the game, which it wasn't. From it's inception, it was a 'pet project' something they wanted to try and get the fans involved in. Haley, from day one, said as much. Something for the fans.... she still says that when she intro's the song. Therein was another disappointment felt by some fans, they thought they were investing in helping launch Haley into the limelight, when that was never Haley's intention for the video, evidenced by how little effort was put into promoting, distributing or selling it.
(12-09-2014, 03:49 PM)john Wrote: If Yahoo got a huge number of views at their site and viewers got excited about the video, I would expect that would spill into YouTube.
If I recall correctly there were several articles and tweets that linked to the Yahoo page with the video (The Yahoo video was also embedded in many of the articles about SMYM too)... I think it's a good guess that "viewers excited about the video" used those links/tweets back to Yahoo to see the video again.... I know I saw it several times on Yahoo. I bet many were still linking back to the Yahoo page even after it was put on Youtube, further "taking away" views from YT even weeks after it was posted on Youtube