RE: Coca-Cola Ends Sponsorship Of 'American Idol'
I meant the "high water marks" of advertising revenue.. which as we saw were a trailing indicator. Not an uncommon thing in the business world for the majority of "highly educated" (lacking common sense sometimes) to jump aboard a train because of how fast it was going in the past without expecting trouble ahead (see the real estate bubble and bank practices easing qualifications even as properties sold at higher and higher ratios to replacement costs in regions where there wasn't much barrier to entry.. and at percentages of family income requiring the rosiest of scenarios to stay solvent)
The highest ratings were around season 6 I believe.. .highest revenues may have been 2012 perhaps.
As for the Honda thing.. I'd add that its not about quality for the $ but viewership for the money...viewership in their prime demographics for customers (and I believe they will pay more for first time buyers because people often stay loyal to a brand over their life times.. or semi loyal). The article also mentioned the associations of their products with hip things (that speaks to the effectiveness of the ad per Eyeball)
I think I get your main point... for less money they get big name acts instead of amateurs singing many dated songs. Whether we're fans of the format or not (and I still like the singing competitions.. but I see them as variety shows with the host and coaches/judges and guest artists being almost more important that the contestants performances) it is a cheesy sort of thing.
Cheesy is fine when it is a "fad" .... and at one point AI was a national fad... a guilty pleasure. Those things don't last at that level of mindshare but some people will stick around for other reasons.
My teens won't watch idol.. (gosh got the oldest starting college next year.. yikes).. they'll barely tolerate The Voice (they've got too much homework anyway).
They do watch all sorts of stuff on their phones though .... I think the marketing people are dead on with that.
I don't think its' about quality of Idol as a show .. even if Idol had another alum make it to mega stardom (and many are doing fine who aren't mega pop stars) I think that will be irrelevant. No matter how high quality the show might become again... it needs to feel hip to people under 30 and be on the mediums (mostly phones) where they get their entertainment from.
One thing "The Voice" has done to _partially_ (an only partially) bridge the gap is that they've had all their perfomances available on youtube or their private streaming hours after the live shows.
They've also selected contestants with cult or even large YouTube followings (christina Grimie had millions huh).
That doesn't make The Voice better at launching stars. It doesn't make The Voice have immense TV viewer ship... but I bet it does rope in the existing followers to track their favorites progress... or at least to watch their favorites performances on formats where The Voice gets part of the revenue and their advertisers get contact with people who already have a favorable connection to the singer they're about to watch.