I got her point. I gave an explanation as to why she might not have received more credit aside from her being female. Another is that Kanye, before he became famous in his own right, appears to have been known for laying beats for others.
Edit: She offers her own reason at the end of that article:
Quote:It’s a lot of what people see. During a show, because there are people onstage doing the other bits, I’m just a singer. For example, I asked Matmos to play all the beats for the Vespertine tour, so maybe that’s kind of understandable that people think they made them. So maybe it’s not all sexist evil. [laughs]
I'm not sure how much credit Kanye was given for the beats on his last album, as it seems well-known he had help.
Quote:Kanye West is one of the very few artists out there who can generate headlines with his album's credits. While the liners to Yeezus don't feature quite as many big names as previous Kanye productions, they're still extensive, filled with longtime collaborators and upstart young producers alike.
...Read on for stories about what it means to be summoned by Kanye West, Yeezus' sculpture-like recording process, how the experience very nearly killed one collaborator, "oh shit!" moments in the studio, and how this crew managed to avoid obviousness at every turn.