Quote:And I think Bjork's right, that women don't get nearly enough credit for what they do musically. ..... Think about what sort of musical genres are considered quality music.
LOL -- Mercfan, you and I have
very different ideas of what we consider "quality music", but sexism still exists in the music world in likely subtle and very overt ways, I suspect. I agree that women don't get enough credit for their contributions, but before they can receive credit, there needs to be acceptance. And while I'd say there is more acceptance of women involved with music in the popular/rock vein, do you think that exists in classical or jazz????
Oh yes, women can sing, or play certain instruments such as piano, flute, violin, harp. Those are deemed "feminine" enough, although I suspect that the exceptional women violinists (Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg and Hilary Hahn come to mind) had a major uphill climb to gain acceptance, much less respect.
And, yes, major strides have been made (thank you, Irvin Mayfield for having a woman in your NOJO trombone section, and yes, it's been noticed!), but it's still the exception to see a woman playing a trombone, trumpet, stand up bass, etc. and something we note as different, rather than the norm. It's the 21st century. Why does this still exist?