(02-09-2015, 03:40 PM)Himm2 Wrote: I'm afraid what Patti got was much worse than the little she could snag from Ole' Toronto. About 3 seconds each time before it shut off but I'm confused why it's not working for her since I know it had a full battery charge and when I shoot video it keeps running. I wonder if she accidentally hits the shutter button as she's filming. I thought the camera only had a rare intermittent memory card glitch.
In NOLA, even I had problems remembering how to use my point and shoot, I handed my camera to Nikki to take pictures of Patti and me, but the flash didn't go off... turns out I had it on 'video' so what I got instead were clips of a few seconds of us wondering why the Flash didn't go off LOL So even I am prone to snafu's with Cameras
I'm sure using someone else's equipment didn't help Patti either ..
I have a fair handle of some technology, but I feel that it'll eventually pass my capacity to understand it, sooner than later....