(02-27-2015, 02:42 PM)Tusk Wrote: I posted about this on this very thread just a week ago
(and posted videos about this on other threads)
I've watched some video that claimed some really popular you tube channels have negotiated something like $1 every two views, which sounds too ridiculous to be true
There are 'standard' payouts for most, but if you're especially popular, you have the option to negotiate your own deals (if you have the numbers to back it up)
Tusk, I think you'd posted the video I watched. It was a while back, maybe the fall or summer of last year.
The rates paid out by YT may vary somewhat from the $2-$20/1,000 figure, but unless there's a channel w/ TV shows or movies which have say 10+ ads placed intermittently thru the show or movie, then youtube is losing big $$$ on a channel they're paying $1/2 views. That works out to a $500CPM & there's no way advertisers are paying anywhere near that rate.
When it comes to traditional media the opposite is usually true, advertisers are usually paying a lower cost per 1,000 when advertising on/in more popular show/publication reaching a broader more general audience & a somewhat higher CPM when advertising on/in a show or publication w/ a smaller audience that reaches more targeted niche or demographic.
I'm not saying a really popular artist like Katy Perry or Beyonce or Kanye (I can see him trying to pull this, as much of a self-important douchebag as he is) couldn't threaten to pull their videos and con YT into a rate like that, but I'd like to think YT wouldn't fall for it. These big artists are making big $$$ off you their YT videos as it is. Katy Perry's "Roar" for instance has 818,749,000+ views to date. Even at $20/CPM her label has made $16,374,980 just from that 1 video alone.
(02-27-2015, 04:03 PM)Tusk Wrote: Channels like mine, I can't monetize because I own, none of the content except for the video I shot. In order to monetize my videos, I'd have to get permission, not only from Haley, but also the song writers of the song she's performing.... I'm not sure if my math is correct (
), but my channel has averaged 57,000 views per month. If I were able to monetize, (correct me if I'm wrong) at 30 cents (low end) per thousand views, I'd be making $17.10 a month... $256.50 per year
If I were able to get $2.50 (High end range) per thousand views, that'd be 142.50 per month, $1710 a year, which starts looking like fairly decent, but you'd have to be getting good activity and subscriber numbers to earn the higher end of the per thousand money
Where did this $0.30 - $2.50/1000 rate come from?