(03-16-2012, 09:39 PM)Tusk Wrote: I figured the $500 would be better used for REALLY good seating at a show when it comes up nearby. For a whole show with good seating, seemed like a better use of the money than to go see a few songs at some pet carnival
That was definitely the right decision.
I've never been to East Texas but I drove there for the complimentary performance at the radio station. I'm so used to driving between major Texas cities on highways that expand to great widths near your destination that I was a bit shocked when I had to get off the highway and drive on a two-lane road through a remote area for half an hour to get to Tyler.
While I participated in the activities (autograph signing/picture taking) there, I regret I didn't speak to Haley beyond saying "Hello" and "Thank you." I doubt I will have the opportunity to meet her again.