RE: Haley & PMJ - great exposure...what does the future hold?
This sort of triggered an "one off" sort of thought.
I realized of all the pop music I've really liked an extrodinary percentage of it, "almost all" of it has been bands not individual singers.
I'm trying to think of exceptions .... maybe Blondie? . I was never a Michael Jackson fan. Maybe Jimmy Buffett. But for the most part whether it was the B-52s or Led Zepplin or the dozens of otehrs who knows what the instrumental portion and interaction has been as important as the lead singer. The lead singer is just one of many including the "Front Man"
Thats' not an argument... just a reflection on personal preference.
If there were any one instrument I'd like Haley to bring along with her it would be a very good drummer I think ... her performances are different when she has a drummer.
Another thought I was trying to explore with PMJ was how Haley's OWN music could be reworked in a PMJ way.
Rather than singing Meghan Trainor why not sing a re-worked Oh My or Keep on Coming Back or Now that you'r here or Follow Me, or SpiderWeb.
Even if Haley doesn't own all of ListenUP (did we ever work out whether OLE bought out 19e on that ?) there are some great songs on that album that would be intersting to have Haley/PMJ pick one of to mix in.