RE: Possibly a new PMJ video with Haley in the works...
I love that PMJ has been choosing Chip Thomas as drummer for their videos lately.
He's been the drummer in all of Casey and Haley's PMJ videos.
I've noticed that, IMO Scott becomes a significantly better piano player with Chip marking the time in his crisp bare but structured way.
I really think that the top-notch-time-keeping free's the singers to do more by doing less... lets their entry's provide bigger exclamations like a drum kick explosion without needed to boost their volume for emphasis (they can even have bang to a softly sung note when it's placed in relation to a good beat, creating a sort of irony and fufillement in a moment)
.... I really don't think people think about those things but they feel them and it makes a performance for a lot of ears that perhaps are more spacially orientated or some sort of cognitive thing that will actually be measurable by neuroscientists who are doing more and more studies looking at different peoples brain reactions to patterns and images etc.
lol I was due for a bit of an essy huh?