"American Idol" is topping the trends on Twitter right now. Haley is getting some mentions.
Quote:Joey Cook ❇️ @IamJoeyCook 5m
Haley Reinhart ❤️
Vince Catudio❇️ @Vicen3Vince
@IamJoeyCook Now that next season of idol is the last, who's ur favorite idol alum?
Quote:✖️ @OrtonftAries 49m
Haley Reinhart was also the Real winner of American Idol.
Quote:Eric Colston @ericcolston 1h
RIP AMERICAN IDOL!!!! 2002-2016 thanks for giving the world Haley Reinhart @HaleyReinhart <3
Quote:Kelvin Lempke @KevinLempke 2h Holyoke, MA
With the announcement that American Idol is ending next year lets discuss why Haley Reinhart isn't the biggest star from every season
Quote:SMYM @haleyreinhartbr 1h
American Idol cancelled ? @AmericanIdol but thank you for all those years! You introduced to me the best girl in the world @haleyreinhart
Quote: Kris Allen @KrisAllen 20m
Changed the game and changed my life. Thanks @AmericanIdol