RE: Report: Idol to end after S15
When I first heard the news today, I thought Idol wasn't getting picked up next year & Wednesday nights finale would be their last show. And I thought that kind of sad. So when I found out they were getting a final season next year, & that they'll be bringing back a lot of former Idols for a season long celebration of the series, I thought this was actually good news.
It gives them a chance to go out w/ a bang instead of just fizzle out. I personally think the ratings will be up somewhat next year. Because I think nostalgia will bring a decent number of former Idol fans back for the final season. It's the end of an era for a lot of people after all.
It's better to burn out than to fade away. (At least in this instance anyway.) And most importantly I think this will benefit Haley, because when major show announces it's ending there's usually an increase in interest among the public, so I think there will be a few more media opportunities available to her. An increase in "Where are they now" pieces for instance. Not to mention potential for involvement in the show itself at least as a performer & quite possibly a mentor.
The timing for this couldn't get much better. Haley has gained a lot of exposure w/ PMJ so far this year, & is in the early stages of relaunching her solo career. By the time the S15 shows begin airing, Haley & Ole will have been promoting her EP for 6 months, they almost certainly will have released a single, the 1st season of F is for Family will have aired, & who knows what else. If Haley was starting to/or in the middle of promoting her sophomore LP, when the live shows are airing next year, that could be kind of good IMO.
On the other hand, maybe Haley won't want to use Idol to promote her new music at all. I kind of doubt it though.