What would Haley think if she read these comments? Would she be upset we didn't seem to appreciate the effort she put into it?
She might be taken aback because she did everything she could to make this a spectacular performance. She succeeded too. The positive commentary by the media outlets is proof of that.
We have been critical of the staging primarily because we believe it was a distraction from her vocal performance and the song itself. Also because Nigel and Lane hyped the staging a bit on Twitter beforehand, raising our expectations and calling our attention to it. We've also acknowledged that this staging was star treatment and part and parcel of modern performances.
It's been an honest dialogue -- no one appears to have made mean-spirited or trolling statements -- so I think it's okay.
If Haley does read see this discussion, it will give her some things to think about. And, like she always does, she can decide what advice to keep and what to discard.
JMT provides some good perspective in this post on IF regarding the staging:
Quote:I'll go back to what some of us said last night. The staging of the performance served a PURPOSE-- which IMO is to generate excitement for her and to get her seen by a wider audience. Clearly Jimmy sees Haley in the same vein as other female singers at the top of the charts, including some of those in his own stable. Remember, some of her performances last season had significant staging-- although none to that level.
IF we attend a concert that includes Haley this summer (which I think is very likely for many of us) will she be staged like last night. Of course NOT. We'll get the Haley many of her fans expected. I've said this many times, but everybody wants something different from Haley. Some of us "Dad Fans" want Rocker Chick Haley. Others want Jazzy Haley. Others want Pop Haley. The list goes on. It's an incredible tribute to the girl that she can attract such a widely diverse fan base.
Will Haley break out of the "Idol Bubble"? Personally, I think she's doing that right now. For evidence, just go to MJS Blog and read if you can stomach it. The disparity between the "professional" view (reviewers, writers, bloggers) of Haley's performance (and the single) and many of the Idol Bubble is staggering. IMO a lot of those people are jealous of Haley's success (and soon to be stardom). ALL HAIL QUEEN HALEY!!!