Hey Buzz. lets make a deal...You don't show my wife this video and I won't show yours. Ariana Savalas likes seducing old men and we were the guinea pigs. I don't know which is worse, my horrible vocal improv or the lights that streaked refractory lines from them:
I wouldn't doubt that Ariana was a streaker back when that was a fad (if she was even born then, she's not that old but she had some good acting skills that rubbed off from her famous father.
(06-06-2015, 02:08 AM)john Wrote: Quote:williampepple
2 days ago
Cool roommate, bro. #onelove
![[Image: 10919500_930717493660731_1563673688_n.jpg]](https://igcdn-photos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/t51.2885-15/10919500_930717493660731_1563673688_n.jpg)
Casey must wear that shirt alot when he is lounging around. Here's a funny little story:
Barb, Penny, Buzz, Pat & I were having dinner before the show and Pat forgot to get the beautiful B&W mounted photos of Haley & Casey out of my car and said she needed to go back and get them. I volunteered to go get them for her before our meal arrived so I left the restaurant and walked a block south toward the Vic just as Casey Abrams was walking across the intersection and nearly bumped into me. i snapped this photo he posed for on the street corner:
![[Image: Casey%20Corner%20mini_zpszwkwgqvt.jpg]](http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w61/Himm2/Halien%20Shindig/Casey%20Corner%20mini_zpszwkwgqvt.jpg)
We then walked together a few blocks chatting away. He said he thought Haley was going to do the Milwaukee Show which got me pretty excited, (but not true) but he has to leave after Toronto to go to Atlanta to shoot the movie he is in. I believe he was going to the Pizzeria for a slice of Chicago-style Pizza that he used as a prop for his solo with the sawed off Upright Bass that they travel with. He traded the Pizza & a banana with Adam Kudoba in exchange for his Bass. I have that solo filmed also but it takes time to upload and tweak video and I'd rather be partying my ass off all weekend with the Haliens that are here until Sunday instead of being on my desktop.
Ariana and her stud muffins:
![[Image: Ariana%20and%20her%20studs_zpsighwpfet.jpg]](http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w61/Himm2/Halien%20Shindig/Ariana%20and%20her%20studs_zpsighwpfet.jpg)
She thanked us for having fun with her.
Did you notice my SaValasectomy Yell at the end Captain Dinkens?