(06-11-2015, 07:44 PM)Tusk Wrote: An aside, what if Haley sang "Imagine" the way she did w/ PMJ for her 'inspiring song' instead of "Earth Song" during American Idol? Might she received the same tenor of criticism?
If Haley had sung Imagine on AI,
the way she did last week.....she might have won the whole thing that day!! I think she would have been unstoppable. Would have been another standing ovation too.
But that's not the way it turned out. And we probably wouldn't be here on this site either.
(06-11-2015, 07:00 PM)lauraliz Wrote: I'm glad to know that Haley is going to try and tour because we need her on the east coast. And Casey too of course. I'm starting to see even more posts on my FB timeline about PMJ. I think Haley and Casey's affiliation with the group has helped them gain exposure. Perfect timing for Haley with her EP coming out!
I think Haley realizes she needs to tour. With all this exposure she is getting right now, she needs to take advantage of it before her fans go away again. The question is, does Ole agree and will they support a tour. Hopefully yes.
When I think of all the logistics it takes to get a tour ready, with buses, musicians, support crew, food, lighting, salaries, advertising, tickets etc, you can see why all these singers have jumped on the PMJ bandwagon. He has a built in audience, and all they have to do is show up. Join the tour when they can for a few weeks here and there. They are all getting great exposure, and get to travel all over the world.