Haley stopped by another place in NYC:
Quote:Haley Reinhart @HaleyReinhart
Hey you guys! Become a part of the #GRAMMYFamily and "like" the Recording Academy New York Chapter on Facebook: http://t.co/ZFWlQ2WW
Quote:The Recording Academy - New York Chapter
20 minutes ago
Look who stopped by our office today? Haley Reinhart! Stay tuned for what we have going on with her in the future!!!
Quote:Lane Newland @LNEWLAND1
Interview with @HaleyReinhart!! f
(03-26-2012, 10:11 AM)gillyking Wrote: My bad, but I did miss Neara and I'd really warmed up to Notto.. are they no longer a part of "her"? Are these guys on this PR tour permanent replacements? I'm not very savvy @ this stuff. Thanks.
Neara was replaced by Keith Phelps. He's a youngster from North Carolina, I believe. Courtney on bass is Courtney Leonard. He is Haley's music director. Notto and Breezy Lovejoy, the drummer, are apparently sitting this leg of the promo tour out.
You can find more information in the band thread:
http://haleyfans.com/showthread.php?tid=546 (you might want to skip to near the end to save time)