Since Rachel got the others up, here's "Better", I took my time to fix the sound
Quote:Tusk @HaleysTusk 5s5 seconds ago Los Angeles, CA
@HaleyReinhart performs "Better" co-written by @andersgrahn for her @olemajorlyindie produced EP at the Troubadour …
I had Creep set up to go in the "rush" to post, but turned out the audio had hiss and some crackling. Without Wi-Fi nothing I could do, so took a breath, didn't publish Creep, worked on fixing Better's audio, got a pic from Greg. Better to be late with good quality, than to hurry with not good quality IMO
Rachel's audio, the iPhones are really good, even close up. I should have listened to her and put behind my Apple bias and got one instead of the underwhelming g3 I ended up with.
Catching a plane now, will take my time, work on the other's post when ready....
After I video Morgan and Blake tomorrow in Seattle