Thanks everyone! You are all so very welcome.
MAN. I swear I'm not being biased. Haley looked and sounded better than ever last night. Her stage presence was incredible. She OWNED it.
I haven't seen her with an actual band (other than PMJ) for awhile, and boy what a difference.
I remember seeing her open for Macy Gray, it all seemed kinda shaky and not her best.
She's grown so much, the moves, dancing, crowd interaction. Holy crap. It's like night and day difference. Just watch old videos of her performing My Cake and then watch last night. Wow. I'm in awe.
I told her she sounded amazing with the band, best I've heard. She thanked me.
She is indeed going to Australia. But not Asia. She's going to be gone for quite a long time, lots of traveling in August and September coming up.
She said she has her photoshoot for her EP soon this week I believe! I asked if she knew what the EP title was gonna be, she kinda smiled nervously as if I was gonna make her tell me, I said it's ok I'll wait! haha!
I took my friend with me to the show. He's a musician and song writer so he appreciated all the bands. He agreed with me Haley is too good to be opening for people, and that she needs to be the main event