Again, when the song shows up, it stands out. That leads to clicks. Clicks and likes lead to Google/YT assuming people like it. Which leads to it serving it up more (for Haley, PMJ or "At Last" videos).
That's the most plausible theory. If you want to test it, change the image to something bland with a longer title and wait a month.
There are 653,000 YT search results for "At Last."
Haley's version of "At Last" shows up at #18, right behind Kelly Clarkson's. All the videos on the first page of results have millions or hundreds of thousands of views save for Haley's and one by Sara Niemietz.
The latter video has fewer views than Haley's but more likes.
Haley: 680/4 = 170
Sarah: 1034/6 = 172
edit: Now that I've looked at Sara and Haley's videos to get the "like" counts - without watching them - they no longer appear on the front page of results for me.
Quote:Your "Lovefool" has been up longer than Laguna "You Know I'm No Good", yet YKING has more than double your Lovefool's views... 27.5K > 10.6K...
The Cardigan's video of Lovefool has 5,900,914 views.
Amy's "You Know I'm No Good" has 68,616,822 views.
Both were posted 5 years ago.