(09-02-2015, 01:08 PM)Himm2 Wrote: I was just watching the Cubs game on WGN and the Chase commercial came on with Haley Reinhart's "Show Me Your Moves" and i called my employee over to guess who was singing. he guessed right.
We watch Angels games on Fox Sports West and, until recently, for the past several weeks the commercial has been shown often as many as 3 times a game - once during the pre-game, once during the game, and again during the post game show. But recently it seems that the Serena Williams version is being shown more and Haley's not as much (maybe because of the US Open?). Anyway, I think these commercials are counted as regional, rather than national, so they don't show up in the tally.
Hopefully these commercials have been placed throughout the various sports regional networks, as well as national, such as ESPN, where the SMYM dog commercial was shown today during the US Open.