(10-23-2015, 06:43 PM)Tusk Wrote: "Brings the same emotion" "Different kinds of strings"
Maple and Oak are both types of wood... I expect an architect would use one over the other depending on what he's building and how strong he needs his material to be
Water and Oil are both paints, yet require completely different techniques from the artist.
Undone pulls from a different emotional well, one that Haley has said more than once, she is not particularly comfotable with, even said she needed help writing it.
CHFIL, as it is illustrated in the ad, is about discovering love, it's 'warm and fuzzy' where as Undone, Free and Better are not, there's bitterness, abandonment and regret... as a singer, to pull off these completely different emotions, Haley would need to draw from two different sources.
So Yes they're both 'emotional songs', but the conclusion that they are the same, therefore Haley should have no problem singing one and not the other, is not correct.
You dip your brush in black ink, doesn't mean you will paint the same picture as you would if the brush went into the red well....
Undone is not one of my favorites, but I agree, she should've given it a chance and see where it could take her. But to say that just because Undone is emotional, and CHFIL is emotional, means she should feel the same way about both, does not take into account the different sources she pulls from to sing either song.
Buzz straining to reach for the keyboard...well, water-based paints, oil-based paints and latex-based paints are all paints...but water and oil are not paints. Doesn't change the basic concept that Haley's voice singing Undone or CHFIL draws from the same emotional heart strings...even though rejection and love are different, both are fraternal twins emotionally. Buzz with a shot down the line...just in!