(10-27-2015, 12:06 PM)InItToWinIt Wrote: As for needing a manager, I think that will come but it’s Haley decisions and I trust her instincts more than ours. She had a manager and, frankly, she’s done much better after that relationship ended.
The operative word is "effective" management, 19 Did nothing for her for whatever reason. Maybe they saw her being dropped from Interscope coming ( along with 50 other acts when they restructured after she was signed?) so didn't even try.
She did better afterwards mostly due to her talent and a whole lot of serendipity and things aligning just right. Not exactly a sound strategy. Until PMJ came along thanks to knowing Casey who knew Jacob who hooked up with Scott, Haley was with a guy who performed at summer festivals and she was doing background vocals for a local couple guys who broke up before their iTunes came out...Remember that?
Serendipity is an occurrence, not a strategy.
Regardless of what our perception of the significance of the event, doesn't preclude the loss opportunity of capitalizing on one of the bigger exposure events that has happened for Haley since Idol (The Wrigley gum commercial)
Ask any successful professional in the industry if going on without
effective management at this point in your career is the way to go, I'd expect most of them will tell you no.
Just as you have someone for legal advice ( Dina), you need someone to run the business of promotion and details of a career in the industry.
She said in June she was 'ready' to pass the responsibility off to management. Even Haley recognises it (her words). She seemed relieved and excited when she told us...as if it's exciting news she wanted to share. Something happened between then and now to stall that, but make no mistake, Haley, and even Harry, knows a next step is "effective", hard working management.
Related, I just got an email from Harry.." I hear they're finally working on a website"...so that's a start..
(10-27-2015, 12:29 PM)Himm2 Wrote: Doesn't ole' provide considerable management for her?
Ole is a distribution, copyright and placement/ revenue collection company and just starting to get into a little music production with some of their acts, including Haley. We also have the bonus of their writing camps, but artist management is not what their primary focus is. I'm willing to bet the other acts with Ole have their own management.