RE: Philadelphia Music Alliance - 10/26/2015
Haley has more revenue streams than what she gets from PMJ (iTunes sales, payment for touring, a cut of the VIP sales...etc) She has writing credit for all but one song on Listen Up! Which Ole has been placing in malls, movie theaters, Movies (Step Up Revolution) and other outlets, that gives her a steady stream of income going on 3 years. She has the private parties she's worked, from personal experience, I know can be quite lucrative, as well as some work she's done with AI, promoting them.
she's also started some things that have help coordinate a little of what goes on in her career (The sale of and revenue collected from "Get Yourself Together" to Christina Grimmie is an example)...
Plus the recent income from the deals struck w/ Chase and the clothing store in Sweden and possibly other deals that Ole has in the works
Add to that, she's kept her own costs low, Alyce Paris provides her with beautiful gowns for the big events, when she performs, she taps her musical friends to come and join, and her travel expenses are more than likely being paid by the entity that is hiring her to be at their events...
I don't know how going about getting management works, but by no means is Haley without resources or income