RE: Philadelphia Music Alliance - 10/26/2015
I am in the camp of she needs support now…but who knows? As noted, we really don't know what Haley is up to behind the scenes. I think this Extra Gum commercial came totally out of the blue--right? Maybe Ole and Dina and her people have a plan all lined up around this EP release and into the future. Here is what I would love to see:
• Another PMJ video in November, just to keep Haley out there via social media.
• Release of "Better" as a single by early December to get attention for her new EP. Preorders could be done over Christmas time. By the way, I love the way they reworked "Better" with a thumping bass beat to start and the rock guitars.
• Somehow, if Ole can manage it, get Haley on some TV shows such as "The View" or "Rachel Ray", but a real stretch goal would be to get her on Ellen, Fallon, Kimmel, Colbert or Conan. Or even late night shows like Seth Meyers or James Corden.
• To coincide with "Better" release, update to the Haley web site, including links to PMJ, "Listen Up" music and maybe some new merchandise. They should incorporate Rachel's site for the news feed. Use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc to notify her fan base of the big news.
• Release of EP "Better" in January 2016 with some more media appearances.
• Announcement of a 15 city tour with a live band (paging Casey Abrams) at 1000-1500 seat arenas around the country. The Better Tour 2016: Beauty and The Beard
So, if you ask me, Haley is having a blast right now---making music that millions of people are listening to via PMJ, finding new fans with the Extra Gum commercial, and touring the world from Australia and New Zealand to Italy. And as someone noted---she is on tour! With a real band! And people are going nuts when they see her! I wanted to see her in Pittsburgh and it is sold out! Damn!
What more could a musician want--to perform before adoring fans, get paid, and travel the world. So, I am hopeful that the wheels are in motion behind the scenes and there are big things in the works for Ms. Reinhart.