Not sure if this has been posted somewhere else, but I feel like I haven't seen it. If so, my apologies.
As many know, Casey has a new EP out that he is currently selling the physical copies at the PMJ shows. It should be out on iTunes late January.
BUT, you can order a digital download of the EP that is now available through Casey's
pledge music page!
It's kind of a hidden perk at first, make sure you click on "view store" and it's the first available perk.
Got my download tonight, and WOW! It's really good!
Never Knew What Love Can Do featuring Haley is track #4. It sounds great. I prefer the live version, but it's very good nonetheless.
I already put the songs on my phone. I had to add the "feat. Haley Reinhart" part, because for whatever reason it doesn't say it in the downloaded title.
His EP has a very live sound to it, similar to what we've heard Haley's is supposed so sound like.
It's $15 for 5 songs, which is kind of a lot, BUT if you want to hear a new studio recorded song that Haley is featured on, and you're itching for new music as much as I am, and you DON'T WANNA WAIT ANY LONGER FOR IT, SAY F IT and go get it now!!!
(I also made a post about this on my website the other day, in hopes to get Casey some more preorders & support!