I'm glad Vevo has it's statistics available. They were not public on any of the AI videos.
Fover, whenever I tried to copy those maps the green doesn't show up. Is there a trick to it?
While we've known that Haley has international fans* the view distribution on YT might look more like BICO for many of the videos (very light in most places). Nice to see dark green in many places on the Free video. I suspect that in some countries Vevo's promotion has something to do with that.
This graph is from BICO. Note the recent uptick in views with the release of Free on Vevo and iTunes. (A = the first referral from the Free video) BTW I've looked at the BICO map several times and was struck in the past by of lack of green outside N. America. The green is spreading on the BICO map (or at least spread some during the Vevo promotion of Free).