About the track that B.o.B. is on:
Quote:I needed somebody so cool and smooth for this record because it’s really cool. It has this old swampy vibe to it. It’s very James Bond; just a really cool feel. B.o.B got on it, and he sounds awesome on it. It fits really well.
I wonder if by swampy vibe she is talking about this kind of sound:
Quote: . . .At this point, it’s probably useful to ask, what is swamp blues? First, it’s a form of Louisiana music that should not be confused with the state’s other vital and distinct contributions to American music – including Dixieland, New Orleans R&B, Cajun and Zydeco. Second, it’s largely the product of a small studio in Crowley, Louisiana, where one J.D. “Jay” Miller created regional hits for the Excello label, run by Ernie Young in Nashville. In other words, another one of those haphazard cultural collisions that makes Southern roots music so damn good.
Swamp blues is what you’d expect when a self-taught producer reinvents the dominant Chicago sound in a small Louisiana town – lazy, loping rhythms, casually soulful singing, and a do-it-yourself approach to recording technology (or lack thereof)...."
Slim Harpo - Baby Scratch My Back
More modern but described as swampy by some:
Has aspects of the Bond theme guitar:
Other "swamp rock" tunes include Susie-Q and this one: