RE: The Voice Finale
I almost posted on how much I enjoyed the final for performances of this week's (the final 9) show.
I've been really enjoying the voice band for many seasons now (after I was so vocal about thinking they were screwing up the performances in the first 2 and sometimes the 3rd season)
I watch these shows for the complete entertainment and less so about just the competitive aspects. I know they are semi-pros singing , not big pro's so some-might be rougher around the edges that a perfect singer would be, but the amateur element adds something even if I'm not really into the competition part.
I enjoyed the elaborate staging and set artwork this week even as M. Slezak was distracted by it.
The set and accordion and jazz interpretation of this song by Madi Davis really entertained me:
Emily Ann is something special.. strong voice, good control and pitch, spunky personality, seems to connect with even words in songs that are pretty much thought as pretty light weight like 9 to 5.
Amy Vaschal really had me by the end of this performance.
I was thinking, what a beautiful thing it would be to have someone love me so much ... completely swept away by the emotion in the performance to the extent that the music was doing what it's supposed to do.. deliver a message via words and melody.
Mercfan already posted Jordin smiths very very strong "someone to love". His voice is incredible. I respect his runs a lot and they all seem to fit together in the sort of theme and variation I expect in runs.. in ways that cohesively fit with the music and are less indulgent (the competition format does sort of promote some "showing off" but there are better and worse ways ...very much so)
I don't quite bond with him emotionally on many songs but perhaps his tremendous voice and great musicality will find others.
At any rate. great Variety show musical entertainment, (including staging, solo instrumental licks, arrangement etc) for me this week... I watched a number of performances more then once.