(01-22-2016, 06:52 AM)Tusk Wrote: I was chatting with the producer of the Podcast and the subject of the kinds of questions that are often asked of Haley, that many of them are the same ones we've heard many times, with the same answers that Haley would give.
This prompted him to ask me what questions would I like to ask Haley? I gave him a couple off the top of my head, but asked him if it was OK to ask other Haliens?
They may have the opportunity to speak with Haley again, so he wants to be prepared with good questions to ask
So think about the interviews you've heard in the past, what Question hasn't been asked that you've wondered about? If you had the chance to ask Haley, what would your question be?
Have you been contacted by any film musical supervisors or been asked to submit any original songs written for movies?