(02-17-2016, 10:27 PM)NUG Wrote: After, there was a huge long line for pictures, the radio station had a professional photographer there, and will post them on their FB page. I hung back as long as possible, almost at the very end of the line. I had my CD Steve gave me which is signed by Angie, Patti and Harry, and I brought a sharpee, but when I got up there, the guy guarding the entrance to the room Haley was in, said no autographs and I was too chicken to ask once I got up there. I also forgot to ask my question about Good or Bad being on the album, because I lose my mind around Haley and basically forget how to speak. All I could mutter was, "You know Steve, I met you at his party" and she knew I was talking about Halien shindig #1, and said she remembered me from that. I gave her a couple of presents, one of which (a red jasper wrist mala with a buddha on it) she took out of the bag and said, "Oh I really like this!". So...that makes me happy. I bought one for myself too, lol. They took our picture which I mugged for because I hate having my pic taken.
I told Haley thank you so much for coming to Denver, she said thank you for the gift, then I ran away thinking about all the things I was supposed to say. Part of it is Haley, and part of it is I don't normally do big crowds - I find it hard to focus and keep calm.
Wish I wasn't two months early and one month late to join you on that little Denver escapade NUG. Glad you got your one-on-one that we missed out on with PMJ in December. Wish I could convince you to join us for Shindig #5.