(02-19-2016, 08:45 PM)Miguel Wrote: Quote:Eilonwy has an emu @eilonwya10 6m
@HaleyReinhart just sang Can't Help Falling In Love. I grok why @AdamLasher was awed singing it w/ her on @AmericanIdol #BrokenHeartsBall
A week later Eilonwya posted a glowing review of the evening on her blog:
Quote: In which I'm overwhelmed by Haley Reinhart and Andy Grammer at Livewire:
The awesomeness of seeing Haley Reinhart live must have sapped my immune system, as I then spent the next week in various stages of sick. Only on Sunday afternoon did I wake up feeling like me again. So beware! A good show can steal your soul.
Haley Reinhart was the opener. Here's where being late to the party with writing about a show is... well, it's being late to the party. MIX 96.9 has already assembled a pictorial listicle of Five Ways Haley Reinhart Slayed, and these are all true. The prior night, on American Idol, she'd done a duet version of "Can't Help Falling in Love" with (very musically literate) Adam Lasher, who had appeared almost too gobsmacked to sing.
Reinhart had only to open her mouth to sing, and all gobs were smacked. Her voice is seduction in every honeyed note, and she's so endlessly capable with it that it's magic. Her setlist included an Otis Redding cover, several jazzy songs from her upcoming record, and the aforementioned "Can't Help Falling in Love," at which point the audience obediently falls at her feet, whimpering adoration.
At least, I would have done that, except I was a ways back. Unfortunately, nobody at all uploaded video of this event, so I can't prove it happened -- as is entirely appropriate when you've been under the hill and heard the queen of faerie sing. (My view of faerie is sultry.)
Let's cheat and use a video of "Better" from a show in Portland last week. Hear that growl on lookin' fine. Hear those runs on feelin' better now. Hear that growl pick up... the song doesn't go a great many places, but having thrown the odd romantic memento into the Mississippi River in my time, I co-sign on the sentiment.
Warm and witty review - the whole is well worth reading!