(03-02-2016, 08:47 PM)InItToWinIt Wrote: Nice interview. I'm not at all surprised that there is no label involved. Haley and Ole have done the work to put the songs together, to put the album together, and to put the spotlight on Haley through PMJ and the commercials, and other endeavors. CHFIL provides an excellent sedge way into the album's release (it could go gold soon around the time of the album's dropping). The need to bring in an additional middleman is probably not worth that additional cost that middleman would want to receive.
The things that a label would help at this point are touring, promotion and merchandising, that all takes time. #Better has been 'warming up' in the oven for quite some time now, there comes a point that 'the timing' will be missed. Involving a label at this point of #Better's trajectory would at the very least mean delay, which it seems is not negotiable. I think in Haley's mind #Better is part of the past, she's ready for the launch.
Ole probably had some idea to sell Better ready to act on as well. Haley uses the word 'organic' often when speaking about #Better, and much of her 'journey' has an 'organic' quality to it. This might be where she relies most heavily on her
gut, he ability to sense where she needs to go, where she needs to be and what
I think how Haley/Ole evaluate their progress in the making of #Better might help inform who they end up signing w/ for Album #3
(everyone has different perspective on whether something is a success, Haley's and Ole's success comes from investment and waiting for the investment to mature)