RE: Haley performing in Austin, TX during SXSW - March 18
What a wonderful day! First off let me say you couldn’t have two better representatives for Haliens. Tusk and Ken easily interact with fans for all the performers that were there about Haley and they are very willing to help out in any way they can to even taking their trash to throw out as we waited in line for 3 to 4 hours. I am really glad I had the opportunity to spend a whole day with Tusk and Ken and to get to know them a little more.
It is a good we got there as early as we did, 9 am. We heard there were 500 people last year trying to get in and the place holds 178. It was so bad that people were climbing the walls to get in. They had to call the police and ended the event early. They recommended we get there at least by 10 am but better at 9 am. Even so at 9 there were still people lined up. As you saw from the pictures the line was long and went for blocks and a lot of the fans had to listen from outside.
As we waited in the line, the venue was already filling up with media, VIPs and contest winners. By the time we were let in there was already a big crowd. There were a couple of benches and more tables for sitting and keeping drinks. We found it hard to search out decent vantage points to record from. There were some places where we could get elevation, but were told we couldn’t stand on them. Security pointed to a few small metal stools we could use to stand on at our own risk. I elected not to, but I saw that Tusk used it to gain a great advantage at a high angle. Ken found a nice spot for us to Tusk’s right on the other side and a little behind. We were behind one of the benches with people already occupying them. In front of the bench were the audio and video equipment for professional video and sound capture. Our position seemed to be a nice place to get a clear view of the performers from the ground level. However there were a number of times the staff operating the equipment would need to stand and move around to do their job that often times obscured my clear view. Also the fans at the bench would stand for a few moments to take a picture or short video in front of my camera but overall it was very good. As Tusk said the crowd was very nice and I’m sure I was in some folks way since I was standing but they didn’t say anything and some even waited until I finished recording before I could let them past me. Ken took some incredible photos as he always does. Being elevated as Tusk was enabled him to be over people.
As you already know Haley was amazing. The crowd loved her as you can hear in Tusk’s video. I’m so happy to see that Haley attracts so many fans in Country land. My friends at work only know of Haley through American Idol and a little from me but they have heard her gum commercial on TV and CHFIL on 94.7 and like Haley’s voice and the song a lot, nothing but compliments.
After Haley’s set Ken and I worked our way slowly through the mass of people to the front near the area where the inside bar is located. We had lost Tusk. Security had closed off the bar for VIPs and those with access passes to SXSW but we could see Haley inside. We waited for Haley. It was so crowded with so many fans wanting to see Haley. However before I knew it Haley was with Ken and he had given her a gift. He told her that I also wanted to talk to her and had something for her. We spoke briefly. I said I was happy to hear her sing her originals live and just thanked her. Ken had given me one of his beautiful photo albums that I asked her to sign. With so many fans, Haley is still always very accommodating to each of them.
As I said before it was a great day. It is always more fun to spend a Haley day with other Haliens. I want to thank Tusk for the fantastic video of Haley performing CHFIL. He always does a professional type job with his video editing skills.
Since I don’t post much, I want thank everyone that posts to Haleyfans with pictures, videos, comments, Haley updates, announcements and statistical information on Haley’s popularity rise. It is such a joy to follow and read.