RE: American Idol 2016 - The end is nigh!
Well, to be fair, Scott is running the show now, and he wasn't a part of signing Candice.
But in general, I'm sure they are just giving the remaining Demo what it wants. WGWG. Bleh.
It's just a shame that there were some really really talented women who auditioned..people who were relevant, knew who they were musically, who are marketable, and other than La'Porsha..we had a top 8 finish and the rest didn't make the top 24. When you are watching a talent show, it's just...silly.
I want to give credit to Trent though. Trent is likely to win..and it was likely always between him and Mackenzie. But Trent challenges himself vocally. He turns different genre'd songs into his own (and truly does it, he doesn't just make it acoustic and sing the harmony because he's incapable of singing the melody..) Is he amazing? No..but he's good. And he's trying to make himself better and earn his win.