RE: S10
Really? I've heard very few complaints about Avalon's voice. Although I don't know that Avalon would ever "amaze" people with a vocal. She's extremely good, her runs are excellent, she's a great rhythm singer..but she's a rhythm singer..that doesn't usually inspire "wow." However, "Earned It" was special to me, because of the whole package. She looked like the celebrity guest performer with a bunch of amateurs during that performance. Just her presence and charisma and confidence..and great vocal. And all she did was sit on a stool.
I think Avalon's elimination was for similar reasons as Sarina's elimination, Emily's elimination, Erika and Elise's elimination, Pia's elimination, Haley consistently being in the bottom 3, Katelynn Epperly not even making the top 12, Alexis Grace's elimination, Carly Smithson and Shioban's elimination...
Around season 7 it became really difficult for a woman over the age of 20 to do well (who wasn't a country singer. It became hard for women and minorities in general, but this group specifically seemed to really struggle). They don't have a built in fanbase, so they have to pick exactly the right songs and they have to be better than everyone else.
"Earned it" was pretty much considered the best performance of the night across the board..but song wise, it was a young pretty woman expressing her sexuality and confidence on a current R&B song. There's a lot of turnoffs for the idol demo there.
Haley, I think benefitted in several ways. First, the themes helped her choose songs that the audience liked. Pia had sung ballads for weeks and then went with a Tina Turner...when she's a stiff performer. Avalon sang a Chris Brown song (twice), a Justin Bieber song, a Shawn Mendez song, and a song from The Weekend. Can't do that. Meanwhile, Haley sang Bennie, a Janis song, a Led Zeppelin song, an Animals song..essentially..she took up that classic rock genre that a lot of the audience likes..AND she was better than everyone else every week. (Something she had to do to stay.) Haley also became a victim, which made her more accessible to the audience. A lot of times these women get a "two cool for school" vibe given to them on the show, which makes them seem less down to earth (which the audience likes.)
Gianna just wasn't ready...Sonika and Olivia took up the "bot" criticism that always happens to the younger female non country singing contestants. (The women can't win.)
I actually liked this group a lot better than the past three seasons (Although on a technical standpoint, none of these contestants are as good as Candice) and wish we got a full season of them. Trent, La'Porsha, and Avalon were very good, IMO. Sonika, Olivia, Tristan and Lee could have really grown as both artists and vocalists had they gotten the chance (instead of the rushed format)..of course, the truth is they should have gone with older contestants who would have been ready, but that's a different argument..(And those contestants fell into the women in their early twenties category..)