Were the friends from out of town that Haley was expecting unable to attend and she gave "dugout club" tickets to someone she met at the stadium?
Same guy as above:
Quote:McManus @jpmcmanus64 7h
My favorite dodger game of all time, thank you for @HaleyReinhart for the tickets!
Quote:The most exclusive experience in Dodger Stadium, the Lexus Dugout Club seats line the wall behind home plate and wrap around the field from dugout to dugout. According to the USA Today who deemed this the best seat in Major League Baseball, "Once you've sat here, you won't want to sit anywhere else. Fastballs hiss and pop, players argue with umpires. Teammates hug. All right in front of you..."
LA Times April 2015:
"The Lexus Dugout Club might be L.A.'s top spot for celebrity-watching. Sighted this week: agent Scott Boras, sportscaster Jim Gray, movie mogul Dick Cook."