RE: Christina Grimmie fatally shot after concert
Hits way too close to home.... On Twitter last night/this morning, to see it 'slowly' develop as reports come in, your mind, at least mine, kept 'hoping' for 'the best', but with each report the news seemed to skirt the issue until the 'best' you can hope for is survival....
I was raised religous and some of those teachings are a part of me, despite my railings against the institution and injustices of things that happen in life that make it hard to believe in a 'just' god....
That being said, I get a certain comfort that she appears to have been strong in her faith and wanting to uplift people....her family are showing strength upheld by that belief, that although tragic, their loved one lives on.... It is times like these that I hope people like Christina are rewarded in their faith and that her family do find peace in that.
RIP Christina.... I really hope you are right...