She has videos she can post on her Youtube, I've given her over 30 including some I've never released bc she said she wants to use them on her channel, but wants her Digital team to have a look at them.
Having done this for a good 5 years now, I've gotten used to Haley doing what she does when the timing is right. It doesn't feel like she has much interest at all moving forward in promotion w/ Youtube (of FB for that matter). Maybe some day the 'timing' will be right to put emphasis on that part of her marketing, but I think Haley enjoys having
control of where she wants to put her efforts, right now, it's networking more opportunities that are coming in from her recent successes, performing, touring, collaborating and if some of what we've read recently, planning on her next album release. Oh and there's also whatever non-singing related opportunities, like F is For Family..... I would not be surprised if she's testing out different media and challenges beyond what she's doing in the music world.
I guess, it's my long way of saying, unless Ole is the prime mover, the chances of another single coming out of #Better is slim IMO. From it's announcement, I have thought, perhaps, that Ole considers #Better's content more useful to them as a resource for placement and promotion. They've done the minimum to push Better to 'single' radio status, have done more, outside of the Wrigley promotion, to push CHFIL, than it has for it's 'lead single', Better.
In truth, Better IS the 2nd single coming from her album, CHFIL is the 1st, even if it was out before #Better became an album instead of an EP
IF one of the songs gets picked up for some major promotion, say, on a movie soundtrack, like Undone...that would probably be the incentive for Ole to perhaps support another single from Better. I doubt they would release a 'new' single, for the sake of releasing a new single. There would need to be an additional reason to put resources towards doing promotion for the single
That all being said, I agree, I think "Listen" is the logical 'next one up' It has a complex arrangement that includes different genres, it has social/environmental relevance, builds up to a crescendo w/ a rhythmic chorus and lyrics that can be used as a rallying cry for a multitude of causes. It is also one of a number of songs that has a 'cinematic' feel to it on #Better, you could easily see used in a movie, even playing at end credits.
(08-19-2016, 01:15 PM)Tom22 Wrote:
This is a lyric only video that Tusk could make ( ; ) ) ! and it has 100million plus views.... Well, that's because it's a pop hit of course.. promotion? or just hit the public(young public) mood? probably a bit of both.
It has that many views most likely because it features Beiber. Haley put out a pretty awesome Lyric video for Better, yet it hasn't even got 9K views yet
I took animation classes over a decade ago and would take a bit of time and money to learn the newer animation software in order to put something out like that, that would be worth it.....even so, there's also the issue of copyright.
In the Lollapalooza, full concert video I recently posted, I added Keith's 'Behind the Scenes' video of Haley and her Band arriving in Chicago and going to the show. The video included songs from Listen Up! interspersed, here and there throughout the video. When I uploaded it to Youtube, I discovered, my entire Lolla video was blocked
all over the world.
I looked to see who had blocked the video,
it was Interscope...they had blocked the video due to every LU song Keith used in his video. I reprocessed the Lolla video, this time leaving out Keith's BTS video, and it was OK. The songs at Lolla were from LU, but they were performed, as opposed to the studio/LU album audio. The video was still marked for copyright, the difference this time, was Ole claimed copyright on the LU song performances, but allowed the video so they can collect royalties from advertising.
I still really don't understand how/why some songs get nailed for copyright/world blocked or not. There are plenty of videos of Haley's LU tracks from her album on Youtube, yet my entire video got blocked worldwide for adding Keith's BTS video at the end, and he only used seconds of each song