(08-19-2016, 02:18 PM)john Wrote: Perhaps Haley has been disappointed with the response she has had to the offerings she has put on YT thus far. But it takes a while to build a channel and to hit with the right song. Haley has posted just a few videos on her channel and only has 13,269 subscribers currently. Tusk has well over 18K subscribers. Morgan James posts videos regularly and now has 64,401 subscribers, despite being much less known than Haley, and has a number of videos with more than 100K views.
I started my channel out of necessity, if people recall, I was very much a 'socialmediaphobe'... but since then, I've gained alot of experience from observations of more successful channels.
One thing that is incredibly important for entertainers to gain views and subscribers on Youtube (also applies to social media, Twitter, Instagram, FB) is you have to engage your subscribers/followers, consistently put out content. Give them a reason to return.
I don't think Haley's 'disappointment' is a factor on her low views/subscribers. How can you be disappointed if you put a minimum of effort into something? She has put little to no effort to even promoting her own channel let alone her videos posted on there...heck she has 3? 4? Channels that she has posted to?
IMO if she made her Youtube/FB presence more of a priority, the views, follows and subscribers will certainly come (It's still my opinion that FB's numbers are a false representation of how effective it is beyond exposure. YT is looked upon as a better way to 'cash in' and gauge popularity....that's why despite, FB's dominance in social media, YT still appears to be the platform of choice among 'creators'). That's why I think that part of her marketing is way down on her to do list, feeling her efforts and those of her team are better directed elsewhere.
WHEN that part of her organisation becomes better priority, believe me, the views, followers and subscribers will come