(08-22-2016, 11:12 AM)popfly38 Wrote: Tusk, another successful (I hope!) Haley/Caley adventure in the books. Congratulations. Just wondering why you want your mic plugged into the audio board? Is there a benefit to having your mic input sent through the board to your camera? Why not just plug your mic directly into your camera or better yet ask the engineer to give you an audio feed from the stage to the mic input of you camera? Sorry if I'm missing something. Just wondering. In any case I'm sure your videos will be great and I'm looking forward to seeing them when you're ready to post.
The audio is a direct feed from the microphones, what goes through that should be recorded on the Zoom mic... Here's video of Morgan James at the Triple Door in Seattle, I got direct audio from the board (He burned it onto a DVD for me, so I didn't have to use the Zoom mic). The Triple Door is a dining/show venue, so normally, there would be loud chatter and sounds of cutlery, glasses and plateware (ambient restaurant noises, ESPECIALLY conversations) that would be on the audio picked up by my camera mic, plus whatever distortion from the camera mic picking up sound from speakers. With direct audio, you don't hear that (it's not a great example, the sound engineer had a hot mic that picked up some of the ambient sound)
So audio from the sound board, if done right, will be the best audio you can get (This had no post production done to it other than what I did... usually, professional engineers would work on it before they publish it) If I got the sound board audio at Durty Nellies, my videos would be amazing, unfortunately, I had to rely on the mics from the cameras and none of them had 'good' audio but had alot of crowd chatter.
I can't have him plug into my camera because the sound board is usually in the back, too far from where I was, near the stage. I've tried attaching it to the top of my Camera, but the Zoom mic is so sensitive, it would pick up the whirs and clicks of autofocus on my camera as well as ambient crowd noises and conversation.
Best case scenario is getting sound from the board, the 'cleanest' audio, no buzzing, no clipping, just whatever goes into the stage mics. It's what Monika Lighstone does on her videos, she has a Zoom mic and an open agreement to access from the boards at the Hotel Cafe and Room 5...
Zoom Mic, Sound Board audio:
Audio from my camera mic, same performance