Haley told her hometown paper the other day, “When I’m in New York City, I’m supposed to meet with a couple of producers to start talking about (the album and its timetable).” Tonight they played in Wilkes-Barre, PA but the next show is in Long Island, NY on Tuesday (with a day off afterwards).
This isn't the only upcoming show in New York state, but indications are this is the date she was talking about. These tweets were made after the show:
Quote: 11:04 SajiNoKami:
Sounds like haley, james and casey missed the m&g inside.
11:05 SajiNoKami:
They must be flying.
Which appears to be indication they needed to catch a late flight or one early in the morning. I say "they" because she had earlier asked Casey for help in putting chords to things she had written. Now someone has reported on another forum this tweet was made by someone who met Haley at the meet-and-greet held before the show:
Pics of the ponytail (one might surmise she went with the ponytail because she was busy with other business matters):
A Haley Reinhart mention in the local paper's recap:
Quote:Reinhart then did her solo showcase, scoring with both “The House of the Rising Sun” and a somewhat-radically re-arranged rendition of Elton John’s “Bennie and the Jets.”