Stavros has posted a show recap on MJ's blog. The favorites of the group (author, best friend and their parents) from the television season were Pia, James and Scotty.
Haley-centric parts of the Idols on Tour recap:
Quote: Tightrope – Pia, Thia, Naima, Haley This was just cool. Crazy yellow arrow lights flashed all around the stage. Ooh! They’re doing the leg dance from the video—first Haley and Pia, then Naima and Thia. Again, some crazy harmonies from these girls. Haley’s voice especially fits the bluesy tune well. She and Pia upstage Thia and Naima a bit, but this was a really great performance.
Moanin’ – Haley and Casey YES. I was DYING to see this live. And I was not disappointed. Casey excelled at improv and scatting parts. Haley stole the performance, though. Her voice is angelic. She also just gets music. She does things with her voice that I didn’t think were possible. Their onstage chemistry is remarkable as well, which is why this was a huge audience hit. I loved it.
House of the Rising Sun – Haley Reinhart Besides Pia, this is what I was waiting for! A Haley solo, and I’m so beyond excited that it’s “House of the Rising Sun”. She starts off a capella (chills!) The audience is going wild for her! Her voice is so angelic, she can take it so high and stay perfectly in tune. When she gets into it she’s equally as beautiful. My mother remarked on how great she looked. At one point the band almost dropped out and Haley was singing on a hum, and the whole stadium got immediately silent. It’s crazy how she can command an audience like that.
Bennie and the Jets – Haley Reinart Another favorite from the show! This performance won me over. Haley takes a seat on the stairs and performs with her usual sexy vibe. This one brings the house down. The audience really loves Haley. She’s such a musician—I’m a huge fan.
One more note, someone made reference that all the Idols were in New York this morning. Makes sense. They're accustomed to driving all night and the distance from Wilkes-Barre, PA to Long Island, NY is only 123 miles and nearly all highway -- piece of cake.