How she looks wouldn't affect her opinion of how she sounds. If she put the kibosh on something early in her career she would only be more confident in doing it later. Jingle Punks has won awards for production music related to TV shows. Anyone can submit their music to them online and Jared records up to 100 of his own jingles a week (see link below). The Hipster Orchestra doesn't always work with a vocalist and when they do they don't do an exceptional job of miking them.
Quote:Our studio is something I have dreamed about for years. I always envisioned a room where 4-5 composers could work shoulder to shoulder in a smart environment... We have this sense of competitive urgency with us all there composing. Sometimes we break to share some ideas or techniques with each other but for the most part we are just doing pitch after pitch.
...No one is going to call you because you are the best punk rock guitarist or have great drum chops. The session era is over. You are gonna get the call if you can create show packages with 20 hip hop cues, 20 country cues, 20 classical cues and on top of all this, you are expected to deliver all these in fast turn arounds and with you playing all the parts.
...I see huge studio spaces with expensive equipment and overhead costs that run in the thousands and I am so glad we are not tied to doing things this way... There is no need for extensive outboard gear and vintage mixers in the world of Jingle Punks.